Many women will shave their armpits and bikini areas hundreds — maybe even thousands — of times during their lifetime. The idea of abandoning this tedious task may seem appealing, and you may wonder if laser hair removal is a good alternative. But as sensitive as your underarms and genital areas are, is laser hair removal safe?

Although laser hair removal may sound harsh, it’s actually safe for your underarms and bikini areas. In fact, it’s relatively gentle on your skin, and there’s little pain during the procedure or afterward. Because these areas are small, the treatments often take less than 15 minutes for both — this is why some people suggest trying laser hair removal on the smaller areas before larger areas of your skin .

The laser targets hair in the follicle to prevent future growth from that follicle. However, laser hair removal can affect only hair that’s in the growth phase, so touch-up treatments are necessary to remove all hair in the targeted area

Dark hair is most receptive to laser hair removal because the laser is attracted to melanin. Laser hair removal may not be as effective on red, blond and gray hair

To learn more about laser hair removal for underarms and bikini. Come in and enjoy our SPECIAL, for the
Bikini Nation discount.

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